//Script which calls WidgetContent.ashx to load content based upon URL parameters // Workflow: EmbeddedScript > WidgetJS.ashx > load advanced script (wdg_content.js) > WidgetContent.ashx > WidgetMethods (optional) // done with help from this article by Sam Deering: https://www.sitepoint.com/dynamically-load-jquery-library-javascript/ //const _scriptTag = document.currentScript;//The script that started all of this //document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { LoadjQuery(); });//DOM elements exist //document.addEventListener("load", function () { LoadjQuery(); });//Document elements are ready to be manipulated /*const pixelId = '[PIXELID]';*/ const START_TIME = Date.now(); let _popupOpen = false; let _popupCount = 0; let _popUpMax = 1; let _suppressOpen = false; let _suppressOpenSetting = false; DisplayTime('Loading Ratesight Widgets'); /*LoadCapitalAudienceScript();*///Load before document is ready window.addEventListener("load", function () {//Page and images are fully loaded LoadRatesightjQuery(); 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ShowRatesightPrivacyPolicyLink(); } else if (cmd == 'showchatbotform') { CloseRatesightChatBot(); ShowRatesightChatBotForm(); } else if (cmd == 'closechatbotform') { CloseRatesightChatBot(); ShowRatesightChatBotLink(); } else if (cmd == 'closepopupform') { CloseRatesightPopupForm(); } else if (cmd == 'opensidebar') { ShowRatesightSidebar(); } else if (cmd == 'closesidebar') { HideRatesightModal(); } else if (cmd == 'showmakepayment') { ShowRatesightMakePayment(); } else { HideRatesightModal();//Just in case ShowRatesightModal(cmd); HideRatesightSidebar();//Don't need that now } } } async function LoadNumberReplace() { const ORIGINAL_PHONE = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_A = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_A]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_B = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_B]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_C = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_C]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_D = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_D]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_E = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_E]'; const ORIGINAL_PHONE_F = '[ORIGINAL_PHONE_F]'; const RS_REPLACE_NUMBER = '[RS_REPLACE_NUMBER]'; const RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED = '[RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED]'; const IS_URI_AWARE = [RS_REPLACE_URIAWARE]; if (IS_URI_AWARE) { let found = false; let url = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); if (url.includes('gclid') || url.includes('fbclid') || url.includes('msclkid') || url.includes('wbraid') || url.includes('gbraid')) { found = true; } if (!found) { return; } } DisplayTime("Ratesight - Overwriting phone numbers"); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_A, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_B, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_C, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_D, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_E, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); ReplaceInText(document.body, ORIGINAL_PHONE_F, RS_REPLACE_NUMBER_FORMATTED); } function ReplaceInText(element, oldPhoneNumber, newPhoneNumber) { for (let node of element.childNodes) { switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if (node.tagName == 'A' && node.href && node.href.includes(oldPhoneNumber)) { node.href = node.href.replace(oldPhoneNumber, newPhoneNumber); node.href = node.href.replace("+", ""); //console.log(node.tagName); } ReplaceInText(node, oldPhoneNumber, newPhoneNumber); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (node.textContent.includes(oldPhoneNumber)) { node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(oldPhoneNumber, newPhoneNumber); } break; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: ReplaceInText(node, oldPhoneNumber, newPhoneNumber); } } } async function LoadSocialProof() { jQuery(document).ready(function () { const RS_SP_INTERVAL = 20000; const RS_SP_TIMEOUT = 7000; CloseForm('rs-socialproof-widget'); DisplayTime("Ratesight - Social Proof loaded"); setInterval(function notify() { setTimeout(function () { OpenSocialProof(); }, 1500); setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#rs-socialproof-widget").fadeOut("slow", function () { CloseForm('rs-socialproof-widget'); }); }, RS_SP_TIMEOUT); return notify; }(), RS_SP_INTERVAL); }); } async function OpenSocialProof() { //console.log("Opening Social Proof"); const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetSocialProof'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetSocialProof'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing sidebar"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); jQuery("#rs-socialproof-widget").fadeIn("slow", function () { jQuery("#rs-socialproof-widget").show(); }); } async function onError(error) { console.log('SocialProof load error: ' + error.d); } } function ShowRatesightPrivacyPolicyForm() { const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPrivacyPolicyForm'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPrivacyPolicyForm'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing Privacy Policy"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Privacy Policy load error: ' + error.d); } } async function ShowRatesightPrivacyPolicyLink() { //console.log('Trying to show Privacy Policy link'); const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPrivacyPolicyLink'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPrivacyPolicyLink'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing Privacy Policy Link"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Privacy Policy load error: ' + error.d); } } function CloseRatesightPrivacyPolicy() { CloseForm('rs-privacy-policy'); } function ShowRatesightChatBotForm() { //console.log('Trying to show ChatBot form'); const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetChatbotForm'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetChatbotForm'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing chatbot"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Chatbot load error: ' + error.d); } } function ShowRatesightChatBotLink() { //console.log('Trying to show ChatBot link'); const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetChatbotLink'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetChatbotLink'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing chatbot"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Chatbot load error: ' + error.d); } } function CloseRatesightChatBot() { CloseForm('rs-message-widget'); } function ShowRatesightPopupForm() { //console.log('Show Popup form'); if (_suppressOpen) { //console.log('Popup open suppressed because previously opened'); return; } if (_popupOpen) { //console.log('Popup already open'); return; } if (_popUpMax < 1 || _popupCount < _popUpMax) { _popupCount++; const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPopupForm'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetPopupForm'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { if (_popupOpen) { return;//Already opened on another thread } //console.log("Showing popup"); _popupOpen = true; AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Popup load error: ' + error.d); } } else { //console.log('Popup already shown'); } } function CloseRatesightPopupForm() { CloseForm("rs-popup-widget"); _popupOpen = false; _suppressOpen = _suppressOpenSetting; //Update cookie data indicate never open? } function ShowRatesightSidebar() { const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetSidebar'; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/WidgetMethods.aspx/GetSidebar'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: targetUrl, contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({ oid: OFFICE_ID }), dataType: 'json', success: onSuccess, error: onError }); async function onSuccess(result) { //console.log("Showing sidebar"); AddToRatesightDivContent(result.d); } async function onError(error) { console.log('Sidebar load error: ' + error.d); } } function HideRatesightSidebar() { CloseForm('rs-sidebar-widget'); } function ShowRatesightMakePayment() { const OFFICE_ID = 172698; let targetUrl = 'https://go.ratesight.com/Widgets/Sidebar_MakePayment.aspx?OID=' + OFFICE_ID; if (window.location.href.includes('localhost')) { targetUrl = 'http://localhost:60574/Widgets/Sidebar_MakePayment.aspx?OID=' + OFFICE_ID; } ShowRatesightModal(targetUrl); } function ShowRatesightModal(url) { let iframeContent = ''; AddToRatesightDivContent(iframeContent); //console.log('Showing modal'); } function AddToRatesightDivContent(content) { jQuery('#ratesight-sidebar-widget').after(content); } function HideRatesightModal() { CloseForm('rsModal'); } function CloseForm(formID) { let existingForm = document.getElementById(formID); while (existingForm != undefined && existingForm != null) { document.getElementById(formID).remove(); existingForm = document.getElementById(formID);//Somehow getting duplicates or something, remove again //console.log('Hiding ' + formID); } } function GetScrollPercent() { var h = document.documentElement, b = document.body, st = 'scrollTop', sh = 'scrollHeight'; return (h[st] || b[st]) / ((h[sh] || b[sh]) - h.clientHeight) * 100; } async function DisplayTime(message) { console.log(message + ' - ' + (Date.now() - START_TIME) + ' milliseconds'); }